MSWLogo Free
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MSWLogo MSWLogo is a Logo-based programming environment developed in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is an open-source logo programming software whose source code is available in Borland C++. MSW should be interpreted with Logo - a similar educational programming language. It is fitted with a front end graphical user interface that supports Turtle graphics and 3D computer images. This allows you to create communication and parallel ports. It also supports Windows interface so you can perform input/output (I/O) on any Windows device running Windows XP and older.

MSWLogo MSWLogo is a Logo-based programming environment developed in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is an open-source logo programming software whose source code is available in Borland C++. MSW should be interpreted with Logo - a similar educational programming language. It is fitted with a front end graphical user interface that supports Turtle graphics and 3D computer images. This allows you to create communication and parallel ports. It also supports Windows interface so you can perform input/output (I/O) on any Windows device running Windows XP and older.
- Title: MSWLogo
- File size :
- Requirements : Windows 2000,Windows ME,Windows 2003,Windows Vista,Windows NT,Windows 98 SE,Windows 95,Windows 98,Windows XP
- Available languages :
- License: Free
- Author: Softronix
- Download Latest Version
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