WinRAR Beta x64 Trial version
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WinRAR Beta x64 WinRARx64 is a trialware file archiver for Windows 64-bit processors. This utility software can combine files into one archive file or a series of archive files. To protect your files, WinRAR uses 128 Advanced Encryption Standard or AES. The program will not check your password. Instead, it will input a passcode through a hash function to encrypt your file’s contents. This feature prevents hackers from seeing archived files or accessing content that has been packed.

WinRAR Beta x64 WinRARx64 is a trialware file archiver for Windows 64-bit processors. This utility software can combine files into one archive file or a series of archive files. To protect your files, WinRAR uses 128 Advanced Encryption Standard or AES. The program will not check your password. Instead, it will input a passcode through a hash function to encrypt your file’s contents. This feature prevents hackers from seeing archived files or accessing content that has been packed.
- Title: WinRAR Beta x64
- File size :
- Requirements : Windows 8,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7
- Available languages : English,Portuguese
- License: Trial version
- Author: Alexander Roshal
- Download Latest Version
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