Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Trial version
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a post-processing software that is included in the Adobe Creative Cloud. It can also be installed independently from Adobe CC to your Mac OS or Windows PC. Adobe Lightroom is essential for editing RAW image files. Otherwise known as digital negative files, Lightroom is able to convert RAW images into a simple graphical image such as JPG, JPEG, or PNG. The converted file includes the enhancements made in the image such as increased contrast, balanced exposure, changed tint, etc. You can save the combination of enhancements as a Lightroom Preset so you can build a uniform portfolio of images.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a post-processing software that is included in the Adobe Creative Cloud. It can also be installed independently from Adobe CC to your Mac OS or Windows PC. Adobe Lightroom is essential for editing RAW image files. Otherwise known as digital negative files, Lightroom is able to convert RAW images into a simple graphical image such as JPG, JPEG, or PNG. The converted file includes the enhancements made in the image such as increased contrast, balanced exposure, changed tint, etc. You can save the combination of enhancements as a Lightroom Preset so you can build a uniform portfolio of images.
- Title: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
- File size :
- Requirements : Windows 8,Windows Vista,Windows 7
- Available languages : English,Korean,Japanese,Italian,Chinese,Chinese,German,Spanish,Portuguese,Portuguese,Dutch,Swedish,French
- License: Trial version
- Author: Adobe
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