Equalizer APO Free

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Equalizer APO Equalizer APO is a parametric/graphic equalizer for Windows. It is implemented as an Audio Processing Object (APO) for the system effect infrastructure introduced with Windows Vista. Equalizer APO has been specifically designed to help you improve both the quality and power of your sound. Key Features: Virtually unlimited number of filters. Works on any number of channels. Very low latency, which makes it suited for interactive applications. Low CPU usage. Modular graphical user interface. Equalizer APO is a Windows equalizer, which doesn’t display a graphic user interface. Instead, you use TXT files to alter the settings of your audio output. The app works beneath the hood of your operating system and delivers quick results without leaving any traces in your system resources. Because of this Equalizer APO is not only reliable, but it’s also quite efficient. Upon installing the app, it allows you to choose the device you want to install the APO to. You will need to know which audio device you need to enhance. The app displays a complete list of connectors, device names and informs you of which ones support APO. If you want to alter the new equalizer’s parameters, you need to navigate to where Equalizer APO is installed and open a configuration TXT file.


Title: Equalizer APO

File size : 8.34 MB

Requirements : Windows 2003,Windows Vista,Windows 8,Windows 2012,Windows 2008,Windows 7,Windows 10,Windows XP,Windows 2000,Windows 98

Available languages : English,German,Polish,Spanish,Japanese,Chinese,Italian,French

License: Free

Author: Jonas Thedering https://www.sourceforge.net/u/jthedering/profile/

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